On the 10th of July 2023, Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M) and János Farkas (ERICSSON) will participate in the IEEE 802 Plenary Tutorial in Berlin, Germany, with a session about IETF Reliable Available Wireless (RAW).

The tutorial provides an overview on RAW. It particularly outlines the use cases and technologies considered by RAW and the RAW framework architecture, including Operation, Administration and Management (OAM) mechanisms.

You can follow the event online here.

The work of Carlos J. Bernardos in this tutorial has been partially supported by the Horizon Europe PREDICT-6G (Grant 101095890) project.

We very much welcome your participation!

The IETF Deterministic (DetNet) Working Group aims to standardise technologies to provide deterministic Layer 3 communications for various use cases, including professional audio and video, electrical utilities or wireless, whereas the RAW Working Group was established to extend the DetNet architecture and solutions to wireless networks.