In May 2024, PREDICT-6G participated in the “SNS Stream B/D Projects Workshop on KPIs and KVIs” organised by the SNS Technology Board. In the first session, Stream D projects discussed the requirements (KPIs) from UCs large-scale trials and validation methodology (KVIs), whilst in the second session Stream B projects shared their perspectives on technology highlights on target performances (KPIs) and impacts (KVIs). 

Marc Molla (Ericsson) presented PREDICT-6G KPIs and KVIs. The KVIs are categorised into latency (service latency and jitter), packet loss (packet loss and packet ordering) and service (reliability and availability). The KVIs of the project are related to the ecosystem (business value and economic growth) and security. 

The presentation can be found here

More detailed information about the KPIs can be found in D1.1. Analysis of use cases and system requirements.

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