How PREDICT-6Gis structured.
As a Research and Innovation Action (RIA), the main focus of the project is to explore and develop new architectural enhancements in the area of deterministic networking and towards the definition of the related mechanisms for the future 6G networks.
To achieve its objectives, PREDICT-6G has carved six Work Packages.

System Architecture, Use cases and Business Impact
The objective of WP1 is to design a reliable, time engineered and predictable 6G network. It focuses on the initial identification of requirements, starting from the use cases, to derive PREDICT-6G architectural framework, as well as the technical gaps that it has to fulfill.
Multi-technology multi-domain Data-Plane (MDP)
The goal of WP2 is to define a reliable and time engineered data-plane, enhancing selected L2 technologies, such as Wi-Fi 7/8 and 3GPP RAN compliant systems. This will allow for open APIs for the control, management and orchestration planes, enabling the programmability and monitoring of the data-plane technologies. Furthermore, the integration of multiple L2 technologies and administrative domains, will enable deterministic behavior over heterogeneous and multi-stakeholder networks.
AI-driven Multi-stakeholder Inter-domain Control-Plane (AICP)
The aim of WP3 is to provide a novel AI-based control-plane (AICP) framework to enable determinism in multi-stakeholder multi-technology 6G environments. The so-called control-plane, encompassing the control, management, and orchestration planes, will build on resource allocation and predictability algorithms, benefiting from the application of advanced distributed AI tools. Moreover, the integration of different data-plane resources will allow to configure reliable and time sensitive E2E flows across a multi-domain multi-technology network while enabling predictability.
Integration and use case verification
The objective of WP4 is to experiment, validate and demonstrate how the PREDICT-6G technologies enable a reliable, time engineered and predictable 6G network, in selected use cases. To this end, selected innovations from the PREDICT-6G architecture - developed within WP2 and WP3 - will be validated through PoCs (Proof of Concepts) carried out at any of the 5G open labs in Madrid or Budapest.
Impact Creation
The central objective of WP5 is maximizing PREDICT-6G business and technological impacts. It focuses on the communication, dissemination, standardisation, and exploitation activities associated with the developments from the WP1 to WP4. It also manages PREDICT-6G open science practices.
Project Management
The aim of WP6 is to provide the project with a lightweight, flexible technical and administrative management service, ensuring that project objectives are met, and the project timeline is respected. Likewise, it is the coordination point for all activities with other H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, and in particular with other SNS projects.