IEEE ICC 2023 “Sustainable Communications for Renaissance”

In the last week of May, Nextworks -member of the PREDICT-6G Consortium- participated in the IEEE ICC Conference as an exhibitor, with a dedicated booth where the company showcased R&D activities and results of past and ongoing research projects. It was a nice opportunity to discuss with partners and potential customers the latest research activities of the company in H2020, Horizon Europe and ESA projects, presenting results on management and orchestration for 5G/6G infrastructures, integration of satellite technology in 5G networks, edge-cloud continuum, IoT platforms and AI solutions for Industry 4.0 and Quantum Key Distribution.

The IEEE ICC is a capital event, one of the two flagship conferences of the IEEE ComSoc together with Globecom, attracting participants from dozens of countries around the world, both from Academia and Industry. This year’s edition, entitled “Sustainable Communication for Renaissance”, was held in Rome, at La Nuvola Convention Centre, and it brought together more than 2,000 delegates. The conference had 6G as central topic, addressing technical aspects like security, reliability and trustworthiness, network automation, radio interface, integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks, and discussing new use cases, vertical sectors and business scenarios for 6G, with a continuous and transversal attention to the sustainability of the network. Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twinning, crucial technology enablers for PREDICT-6G have been also widely discussed in several workshops and keynotes, with active participation from vendors and network operators. The exhibition area, with more than 30 booths set up by companies, research institutes, consortia and projects, was able to concentrate a heterogenous multitude of people, interested in a variety of topics and research activities, in one place.

In this context, Nextworks had the opportunity to present the PREDICT-6G concepts and technologies for predictable and deterministic services in 6G infrastructures, attracting attention from researchers and technology providers in the area of TSN and Industrial IoT.  During the 5-day conference, there was the opportunity to discuss the project at different levels of technical detail, from the most basic concepts ("What is predictability?", "What is a deterministic network?") to the more complex topics, which are still being discussed even among the project participants. One of the main elements that sparked interest in the audience is the aim of PREDICT-6G of creating determinism across different network technologies in a transparent manner. Indeed, such an ambitious goal implies a strong cooperation between experts working on Data and Control planes, to address together challenges that covers aspects of packet ordering and time synchronisation, up to virtualization and abstraction for seamless orchestration of E2E deterministic connectivity over heterogenous networks.

Another important question received was “Why?”, what is the applicability of PREDICT-6G. Determinism is a crucial characteristic for industrial networks and in the era of mobility and network pervasiveness, manufacturing industries are more and more connected and remotely managed. As such, they are perfect early adopter for PREDICT-6G technologies. The presence of big manufacturers in PREDICT-6G consortium will be crucial to identify their key requirements and validate the solutions that will be developed in the project in realistic environments able to replicate operational conditions.

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PREDICT-6G at Data Week 2023

The Data Week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data and Data Driven AI research and innovation communities. The 2023 edition ¨Data meets infrastructure at the edge¨  took place from the 13th to the 19th of June 2023 in Luleå, Sweden. During the event, the participants shared knowledge and results, discussed topics of common interest, found synergies, built new collaborations, and identified new challenges and recommendations. Data Week is also a great opportunity to link the communities and their results to European policies and market needs and brings European initiatives and activities closer to local communities.

On the 14th of June, PREDICT-6G and VERGE, both EU projects supported by the SNS JU and funded under the Horizon Europe programme, co-organised the session “AI-native data management for robustness and sustainability”. In this session, the two projects alongside a very promising start-up (QBEAST), a well-known European research institute (Insight-centre), and corporation programme (Intel Ignite) elaborated on several aspects of what are the expected benefits brought by AI in different fields. 

Dr Valerio Frascolla, Director of Research and Innovation at Intel and PREDICT-6G Innovation Manager, ran the session and Prof. Antonio de la Oliva, PREDICT-6G Coordinator, gave the presentation “Determinism and Robustness as pillars of future production sites”, focusing on the main aspects of PREDICT-6G. “The workshop was very interesting. It has been a pleasure to confront our ideas with people from several industries and backgrounds which are not always aligned with our view”, said Prof. de la Oliva.

A panel run by Dr Frascolla was held at the end of the session, to answer questions from the audience and exchange points of view with and among speakers. Attendance of the session was people from industry academia, European Commission and other public bodies.

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Data Week 2023 is co-organised by BDVA and EUHubs4Data project in collaboration with the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE). Data Week is the combination of local and regional events organised by the BDVA i-Spaces [i-Spaces] in the framework of the EUHubs4Data project and the main European event.

PREDICT-6G at the 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit

The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit took place from the 6th to the 9th of June 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Combining two of Europe’s premier events in communication networks: the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area; the event has become one of the most important in the sector. It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses to present, discuss and showcase the latest developments in the sector.

PREDICT-6G attended numerous exciting keynotes, panels, sessions, workshops, tutorials, as well as the outstanding social programme. It also visited the exhibition, gathering  more than 70 exhibitors, many of which were projects funded by EU R&I programmes displaying their scientific and technological achievements. 

On the 6th of June, Dr. Valerio Frascolla had the pleasure to chair the workshop “Future deterministic programmable networks for 6G”, a joint endeavour of PREDICT-6G and its two sister projects DESIRE6G and DETERMINISTIC6G. With the aim of opening a space for debate on the different approaches to determinism being pursued, the workshop brought together speakers from the three projects to present the main research topics being investigated to an audience of 70 people. 

Dr Afif Osseiran, vice-chair of 5G-ACIA, gave a keynote address ¨5G-ACIA: learnings on 5G for industries” highlighting the lessons learnt on 5G networks for the industry, which provided a great perspective in the development of 6G. 

The workshop wrapped up with a panel discussion enlightening how the future deterministic 6G networks will be realised. “The workshop was important not only for the PREDICT-6G team, but also for a broader audience as it reported the work of several EU-funded projects”, says Dr Frascolla. 

On behalf of PREDICT-6G, Milan Groshev presented an special session on the importance of predictability determinism in 6G in the Speakers’ Corner set up in the exhibition. “It was an enormous pleasure to represent our project and see the interesting presentations from different researchers that work on deterministic networks. We had a great discussion regarding what predictability and determinism are and the existing open challenges that have to be addressed in order to bring this concept to the wireless domain” stated Groshev. 

As the event concluded, Antonio de la Oliva, PREDICT-6G coordinator weighed in on the last days: "I have been very happy to participate in the 2023 edition of EuCNC, tightening relations with our peer research projects and the overall ecosystem. Worth to say, this has been one of the best organised EuCNCs I have participated in”.

You can find the workshop presentations here.

The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) and the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 1 300 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world.

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2023 EUCnC & 6G Summit 6G for a Green and Digital Transition

PREDICT-6G, together with DETERMINISTC-6G and DESIRE-6G, will present a joint workshop titled “Future deterministic programmable networks for 6G” in the context of the 2023 EUCnC & 6G Summit, which will take place the 6-9 of June in Gothenburg, Sweden.       

The workshop will address the concepts being developed by the three projects, which will enable future 6G deterministic programmable networks, and will open a space for discussing the different approaches to determinism explored by each project.  Experts on the field will be invited to provide their view on the different deterministic and programmable approaches for WLAN, IEEE 802.1TSN, DetNet, OPC, and 3GPP TSC. 

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PREDICT-6G at the SNS Lunchtime Webinar

On the 23th of February, PREDICT-6G was featured at the European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) Lunchtime webinar series, in which the SNS JU Phase 1 projects provided an overview of their activities and ambitions.

PREDICT-6G’s Coordinator, Prof. Antonio de la Oliva from the University Carlos III of Madrid, was in charge of introducing the project in the ¨Architecture & Secure Services and Security¨ webinar. During his intervention, de la Oliva highlighted PREDICT-6G´s mission, its definition of a deterministic network, and the use cases. 

What is a deterministic network? A network that is reliable, time sensitive and predictable. Learn more here

What is the project mission? PREDIT-6G aims to design, create and validate e2e 6G solutions providing deterministic services over multiple inter-connected domains and technologies (including wired and wireless). Learn more here.

PREDICT-6G use cases: Smart manufacturing, large-scale multi-domain deterministic network and critical communications. Learn more here.

Read the full presentation here!


The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private Partnership that aims to facilitate and develop industrial leadership in Europe in 5G and 6G networks and services. The SNS JU funds projects that shape a solid research and innovation (R&I) roadmap and deployment agenda by engaging a critical mass of European stakeholders and facilitating international cooperation on various 6G initiatives. In January 2023,  SNS JU launched the first phase of its 6G projects, which are critical in establishing a solid research and innovation (R&I) foundation for Europe, defining the next-generation networks.

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PREDICT-6G at the ETSI Research Conference 2023

At the beginning of February 2023, PREDICT-6G (PRogrammable AI-Enabled DeterminIstiC neTworking for 6G) had the opportunity to participate in the ETSI Research Conference “Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through Standardisation”. 

Zoltán Vincze, partner of the consortium on behalf of Nokia Solutions and Networks KFT -technical manager of the project-introduced PREDICT-6G and its objectives, as well as the planned standardisation activities, we aim to develop at the project. Chaired by Rui L. Aguiar, Steering Board Chair in NetworldEurope, the session featured SNS JU projects in Stream B, Strand B1 and B4 

The Conference also offered a unique occasion to learn about the future of 6G networks in Europe. “It was a great event, providing insight into the European 6G research landscape and the upcoming beyond 5G and 6G projects” .

This face-to-face event provided an exceptional opportunity for the research community to come together with industry representatives and standardisation experts to discuss future technology research and links to standardisation developments. “Based on that I can tell you, PREDICT-6G is well positioned in the 6G research agenda by providing end-to-end deterministic networking solutions for 6G”.

Read the full presentation here!


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