Upcoming events

PREDICT-6G is entering its last year and the consortium partners are showing the progress in the project, presenting the latest publications and papers in several events that will take place in the coming months. Here is a list so you do not miss any of them.

ICTON 2024

The International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2024 will be held from 14 to 18 July in Bari, Italy. The conference and side events will focus on applications of transparent and all-optical technologies to telecommunications, computing, sensing and quantum applications. Luis Miguel Contreras from Telefonica will present the paper “Reliability in deterministic networks: Comparison of FRER (TSN) and PREOF (DetNet)”, related to the research carried out within the project. The publication is available here.

PIMRC 2024

IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) will take place 2-5 September in Valencia, Spain. Under the theme “Elevating 6G Beyond Connectivity”, PIMRC is one the flagship conferences for IEEE Communications Society with a special focus on cutting-edge wireless technology research and innovations. Professor Carla Fabiana Chiasserini from Politecnico di Torino will attend the conference to present the paper “Target Wake Time Scheduling for Time-SensitiveNetworking in the Industrial IoT”.

ETFA 2024

The 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, (ETFA) 2024, will take place from 10 to 13 September in Padova, Italy. It brings together professionals from industry and academia to share cutting-edge concepts, recent developments, research results, and practical achievements in industrial and factory automation. The key goal is to foster the enhancement and application of scientific techniques, models, and tools that support the efficient design and operation of industrial and factory automation systems. PREDICT-6G consortium members, CNR and Intel will be at the Conference to present the paper “Time-Sensitive Networking and Software-Defined Networking: an experimental setup for realistic performances”.


The 2024 IEEE 25th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) will be held 22-24 July in Pisa, Italy. The main focus of the HPSR 2024 will be to assess how breakthrough changes occurring to networks and telecom are affecting areas related to switching and routing, and communication networks in general.  Nextworks, a member of the PREDICT-6G consortium, will be present at HPSR with a booth promoting the project with a poster and a screening of the joint demo with InterDigital: Monitoring Data collection Integration with a Sensing-Enabled 3GPP Technology Domain. You can watch the demo here.

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Call for papers: MobiCom 2024

In the scope of the MobiCom 2024 -The Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking- which will be held on the 18-22 of November in Washington DC, DESIRE6G, DETERMINISTIC6G and PREDICT-6G will co-organise the 2nd workshop on 6G Programmable Deterministic Networking with AI (6G-PDN 2). In preparation for the workshop, the projects have launched a call for papers that contribute to the advancement of 6G network research.

The objective of this workshop is to discuss the roadmap and challenges in the technology areas of deterministic communications and deep network programmability in 6G to support future end-to-end time-critical applications. It also aims to bring together academic and industry researchers to stimulate discussions, introduce news ideas and technical solutions in the aforementioned areas and therefore contribute to the progress of 6G networking research.

Submitted papers may cover any of the following topics:

  • Programmable data planes for TSN.
  • Enhancements towards 6G TSN and DetNet integration.
  • Network softwarization for 6G.
  • Programmable networking protocols.
  • Programmable SDN and NFV: languages and architectures (P4 and others).
  • Hardware acceleration for programmable network functions.
  • Multitenant data planes.
  • Orchestration and management of software-defined deterministic networks.
  • Control and management of data plane programmable devices.
  • Artificial intelligence for deterministic networks.
  • In network machine learning.
  • In-network service level tuning and optimization; QoS.
  • High precision traffic monitoring/telemetry.
  • Service assurance and fulfilment programmability.
  • Slicing for 6G.
  • Intent-based systems and digital twinning applied in 6G.
  • Routing and scheduling algorithms for reliable and real-time IoT.
  • Trustworthy edge and cloud computing architectures and services.

Paper Submission deadline is August 15, 2024

You can read all the detailed information here.

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PREDICT-6G's plenary meeting in Antwerp

On the 6th of June, the PREDICT-6G Consortium gathered for its first plenary meeting of 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium. 

Taking advantage of PREDICT-6G's presence at the EuCNC & 6G Summit, which took place in Antwerp from 3-6 June, the consortium decided to hold a one-day plenary meeting. This is the first plenary meeting of 2024, just after the mid-term review of the project with the European Commission and almost a year and a half after the start of the project, a date that undoubtedly marks a turning point between what PREDICT-6G has achieved so far and what we want to achieve by the end of it. 

The meeting was very productive. The consortium reviewed the status of the work packages, with particular emphasis on those that by their technical nature constitute the core of PREDICT-6G. The integration of the feedback received during the mid-term project review was also further discussed, which together with the exchanges in the plenary meeting about various aspects of the work ahead,  yielded a clear roadmap for the last year of the project.

The PREDICT-6G consortium will meet again in the autumn to further advance the common goal of creating a secure, modular, interoperable, and extensible 6G deterministic network.

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2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit

The 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit took place from 3 to 6 of June in Antwerp, Belgium. Bringing together cutting-edge research, trailblazing innovators, and world-renown companies, the event has become a reference in the telecommunications sector. Over 50 exhibitors and 900 participants across 40 countries attest to the relevance of the conference.

PREDICT-6G was determined to repeat the 2023 success in this new edition.  A delegation comprising team members from different consortium partners arrived in Antwerp, ready to support the different project activities and to share and discuss the developments of the past year. Project members attended the numerous keynotes, panels, sessions, and tutorials, whilst seizing the networking opportunities during the social activities included in the programme. 

The first day of EuCNC began with the set-up of the “Programmable deterministic networking: the PREDICT-6G and DESIRE6G approaches' booth. Co-organised by PREDICT-6G and DESIRE6G, it hosted various demos: Target Wake Time by Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Smart Factory by Gestamp and Ericsson, and “Monitoring Data Collection Integration with a Sensing-Enabled 3GPP Technology Domain'' by Nextworks and InterDigital.

 “Sancho”, the robot dog starring in the Real-time Gesture Based Remote Control of a Digital Twin demo (UC3M), drew a lot of attention from the public. Visitors were invited to experience first-hand how Sancho performs the different commands given to it through gestures that are registered by a camera placed on site and then transmitted.

The “Experimentation in a wireless multi-domain deterministic network” poster by UC3M and Intel was also displayed in the booth. It details the design, development, and performance of single domain solutions to support multi-domain deterministic networking, integrating IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.1 TSN, and 3GPP 5G over an IETF DetNet overlay. 

“EuCNC is a great opportunity not only to show our own work to the event participants, but also to interact with other projects’ members to share ideas and to learn something from each other. PREDICT-6G project attracted a lot of interest for the challenges it faces: many demos and explanations about the system architecture and capabilities were requested at the booth, thus making the team proud for their efforts and honoured to work in such an environment for the project purpose.” said Matteo Ravalli (Nextworks). 

PREDICT-6G also participated in three workshops. Prof. Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M), PREDICT-6G coordinator, delivered a presentation in the “The 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II”. Dr. Sebastian Robitszch (InterDigital), chair of PREDICT-6G Standardisation Advisory Board, moderated the “Architectural Considerations Enabling the IMT 2030 Framework by European 6G R&D Activities” workshop. Lastly, Valerio Frascolla (INTEL), PREDICT-6G innovation manager, delivered a presentation in the “Trials, Pilots and Demos for Selected Verticals: the Experimental Way Forward towards 6G” workshop.

The PREDICT-6G communication efforts during the EuCNC & 6G Summit, led by AUSTRALO, were recognised with the “Best Social Media Presence Award”. This honour acknowledged the long-term commitment of the project with the communication and dissemination of its activities and outcomes to the large public. 

The participation of PREDICT-6G was a great success. The project team exchanged with other SNS projects, researchers and experts about the current hot topics and the upcoming trends. Furthermore, it promoted the work carried out in the past year and a half in various areas of the project. 

The 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) and the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services.

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PREDICT-6G attends the ICC 2024

The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024, focused on “Scaling the Peaks of Global Communications”, took place on 9-13 June 2024 in Denver, Colorado, United States of America. 

PREDICT-6G was at the "Edge Learning Over 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond" workshop, which featured two notable keynotes. Aylin Yener, professor at Ohio University, focused on how the Wireless Medium can be exploited to improve Federated Learning, whilst Julien Forgeat, from Ericsson, shared valuable insights into research directions on Distributed Learning from an industry perspective.

Ericsson delivered another interesting presentation focusing on  Multi-task Learning for AI-native Radio Access Network. The other presentations primarily focused on Federated Learning, covering some relevant aspects such as model selection, model aggregation and Over-the-Air computation. 

Giuseppe Di Giacomo, from Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), presented the paper Generosity Pays Off: A Game-Theoretic Study of Cooperation in Decentralized Learning". This  research, which introduces an incentive mechanism for cooperation in Decentralized Learning, was orthogonal to such works, which still highlighted the need to address the challenge of incentivizing cooperation. During the event, di Giacomo also had the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions with other PhD students and researchers about the future of Decentralized Learning.

The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) is one of two IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences (ICC and Globecom). Each year, close to 2,000 attendees from the industry and academia attend IEEE ICC to learn about the latest research and innovations in communications and networking technology, share ideas and best practices, and collaborate on future projects.

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The “6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series: Architectural Enhancements for 6G Programmable and Deterministic Networks”

The “6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series'' was launched on the 14 of June 2024, a collaborative initiative between PREDICT-6G, DESIRE6G, and DETERMINISTIC6G. This quarterly series aims to explore the intricate and transformative aspects of these sister projects, featuring expert speakers who will discuss the latest developments and innovations shaping the future of 6G technology. Each session provides in-depth information and fosters key discussions for practitioners and researchers dedicated to the next generation of wireless communications.

The first webinar, titled "Architectural Enhancements for 6G Programmable and Deterministic Networks" featured Peter Szilagyi from Nokia, Chrysa Papagianni from the University of Amsterdam, Joachim Sachs from Ericsson, and Gourav Prateek Sharma from KTH. This was followed by a panel discussion on the topic. The event saw over 120 registrations, with lively participation from attendees during the presentations and the discussion panel.

You can watch the full workshop here.

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DEMO: Monitoring Data collection Integration with a Sensing-Enabled 3GPP Technology Domain

Use cases are at the heart of PREDICT-6G. They are the way for our research and use case providers to experiment, validate and demonstrate how PREDICT-6G technologies enable a reliable, predictable and time-engineered 6G network. Sebastian Robitzsch from InterDigital and Matteo Ravalli from Nextworks led the "Monitoring Data collection Integration with a Sensing-Enabled 3GPP Technology Domain" demo.

This demonstration presents a Multi-Domain Monitoring Data collection for the PREDICT-6G project. It automates the collection of Layer 4 latency and sensing data from a 3GPP domain, feeding it into an AI-driven control plane and a digital twin application. The demonstration integrates the AI-driven control plane (AICP) to manage service provisioning and data monitoring.

Key features include:

  • Collection of node information, link characteristics and sensing data.
  • Real-time data processing and storage for AI and digital twin processes.
  • Creation and configuration of data sources and consumers with specific permissions.
  • Measuring round-trip time and link latencies using probes.

Overall, the demonstration shows how to collect, process and use multi-domain data to improve network management in a 6G environment.

You can watch the demo here and below.

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International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2024 Conference

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2024 Conference was held from 3 to 6 June in Thessaloniki, Greece. The main objective of this year's edition was to bring together academic and industrial experts of the networking community to discuss the most recent advances in networking, to highlight key issues, identify trends, and develop a vision of the future Internet from a design, deployment and operation standpoints. The sessions and workshops were designed with a special focus on network architectures, applications and services; network modeling, analysis and operation; network security and privacy; and wireless networking.

PREDICT-6G was part of the IFIP Networking Conference with a paper authored by Luis Velasco and Marc Ruiz from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, among others. The paper, titled "Provisioning of Time-Sensitive and non-Time-Sensitive Flows: from Control to Data Plane", was presented by Marc at the 4th International Workshop on Time-Sensitive and Deterministic Networking (TENSOR) 2024. The goal of this workshop was to bring together researchers from academia and industry in order to investigate challenging aspects in the area of time- sensitive deterministic communications, as well as identify future research directions for ultra-low latency communications.

"Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards provide scheduling and traffic shaping mechanisms to ensure the coexistence of Time-Sensitive (TS) and non-TS traffic classes on the same network infrastructure. Nonetheless, much effort is still needed on the operation of such TSN capable network infrastructure to ensure that the required performance of the different flows, defined in terms of key performance indicators, can be met once the flows are deployed in the network. In this presentation, we focused on such aspects and proposed a solution involving not only packet schedulers in the data plane, but also network-wide scheduling for TS flows, as well as performance estimation for non-TS flows", stated Marc Ruiz.

The paper is available here.

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6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series: #1 Architectural enhancements for 6G programmable and deterministic networks

We are pleased to announce the 6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series, a collaborative initiative between PREDICT-6G, DESIRE6G and DETERMINISTIC6G. This quarterly series aims to delve into the intricate and transformative aspects of these sister projects, featuring expert speakers that will explore the latest developments and innovations shaping the future of 6G technology. Each session will provide in-depth information and foster key discussions for practitioners and researchers dedicated to the next generation of wireless communications.

The first webinar will take place on Friday 14 June at 10:00 CET. Under the title ‘Architectural enhancements for 6G programmable and deterministic networks’, it will feature Peter Szilagyi from Nokia, Chrysa Papagianni from the University of Amsterdam, Joachim Sachs from Ericsson and Gourav Prateek Sharma from KTH, followed by a panel discussion on the topic.


  • 10-10:10. Intro by Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M)
  • 10:10-10:50. Peter Szilagyi (Nokia): “Multi-domain deterministic service management architecture”
  • 10:50-11:30. Chrysa Papagianni (University of Amsterdam): "Towards extreme network KPIs with deep programmability in 6G”
  • 11:30-12:10. Joachim Sachs (Ericsson) and Gourav Prateek Sharma (KTH): "5G latency analysis and possible improvements"
  • 12:10-12:40. Panel: "Architectural enhancements for 6G programmable and deterministic networks"
  • 12:40-12:45. Closure

Register here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/WS1June2024

Link to webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87094846948

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DEMO: Real Time Gesture Based Remote Control Of A Digital Twin (UC3M)

Use cases are at the heart of PREDICT-6G. They are the way for our research and use case providers to experiment, validate and demonstrate how PREDICT-6G technologies enable a reliable, predictable and time-engineered 6G network. Antonio de la Oliva, Associate Professor at Univesidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), and PREDICT-6G coordinator, led the "Real Time Gesture Based Remote Control Of A Digital Twin" demo.

This demonstration shows how the combination of three different key technology enablers can allow us to remotely control a robotic dog using gestures. During the demonstration it can be seen how we have a full three-dimensional model of the robotic dog. It can also be seen how we have a full three-dimensional model of the robotic dog and the robot perfectly in real time, thanks to ultra-reliable, low-latency communications.

You can watch the demo here and below.