IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications

IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM) took place from 20 - 23 May in Vancouver, Canada. IEEE INFOCOM is a top-ranked conference on networking in the research community. Consortium member Politecnico di Torino participated in INFOCOM with two papers presented at the main conference.  

“OREO: O-RAN intElligence Orchestration of xApp-based network services” introduces OREO, an Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) xApp orchestrator, designed to maximize the number of offered services. OREO’s key idea is that services can share xApps whenever they correspond to semantically equivalent functions, and the xApp output is of sufficient quality to fulfill the service requirements. The paper is available here.

“Resource-aware Deployment of Dynamic DNNs over Multi-tiered Interconnected Systems” tackles the problem of allocating sections of Modern dynamic deep neural networks (DNN) with early exits to the nodes of the mobile-edge-cloud system. By envisioning a 3-stage graph-modeling approach, it represents the possible options for splitting the DNN and deploying the DNN blocks on the multi-tiered network, embedding both the system constraints and the application requirements in a convenient and efficient way. The paper is available here.

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SNS Stream B/D Projects Workshop on KPIs and KVIs

In May 2024, PREDICT-6G participated in the “SNS Stream B/D Projects Workshop on KPIs and KVIs” organised by the SNS Technology Board. In the first session, Stream D projects discussed the requirements (KPIs) from UCs large-scale trials and validation methodology (KVIs), whilst in the second session Stream B projects shared their perspectives on technology highlights on target performances (KPIs) and impacts (KVIs). 

Marc Molla (Ericsson) presented PREDICT-6G KPIs and KVIs. The KVIs are categorised into latency (service latency and jitter), packet loss (packet loss and packet ordering) and service (reliability and availability). The KVIs of the project are related to the ecosystem (business value and economic growth) and security. 

The presentation can be found here

More detailed information about the KPIs can be found in D1.1. Analysis of use cases and system requirements.

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PREDICT-6G celebrates the Citizen Science Month

Determinism, 6G, reliability or predictability are just some of the words at the core of PREDICT-6G work. Setting a common understanding on these concepts is therefore essential to efficiently communicate about the different activities carried out by the project team, inviting the participation of the community as well as the society at large into the research.

With this in mind, PREDICT-6G joined the Citizen Science Month with a social media campaign shedding light on some of the most common concepts used in the project. During April 2024, there were various publications explaining the meaning of the keywords that have come to constitute the shared vocabulary of the PREDICT-6G team. 

The engagement of the community with the campaign was highly positive, including several remarks about the value of contributing to set a common ground to speak about deterministic networks.

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IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)

By Valerio Frascolla

The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2024, with the theme “Wireless Communications for Growing Opportunities”, took place from 21-24 of April 2024 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The 2024 edition presented a full programme of high quality, including technical sessions, tutorials and workshops, as well as technology and industry panels. PREDICT-6G was a key contributor to the success of the Industry Programme.

On the 22 of April, Dr. Valerio Frascolla, Director of Research and Innovation at Intel and PREDICT-6G Innovation Manager, was invited to be a panellist in the “6G: Midway Status and Way Forward” panel led by Majid Butt (Nokia), with Mikko Uusitalo (Nokia), Paulina Chan (Principal and CEO of Global Mutual Innovation Consortium), and Anita Dohler (CEO NGMN Alliance).

During the panel an interesting and active discussion was held with the audience of around 40 participants on the status of 6G, its standardisation plans, current architecture options and expected benefits. The PREDICT-6G position on the need in 6G for a smoother convergence of cellular and non-cellular (Wi-Fi) wireless technologies was a pivotal argument of the discussion.

On the 23 of April, Dr Frascolla gave the Invited Talk “Predictable Networks and TSN: Benefit on the Manufacturing Vertical Sector” at the industry Talk Session #2, in a track shared with Riccardo Trivisonno (Huawei), and Anita Dohler (CEO NGMN Alliance).

Valerio’s talk, focused on providing an overview of the status of Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) in 3GPP and IEEE standards. He briefly described the PREDICT-6G proposed AI-driven Multi-stakeholder Inter-domain Control-Plane (AICP), and Multi-technology multi-domain Data-Plane (MDP) as the two needed key new technology enablers to effectively handling a set of current challenges in the manufacturing vertical sector, e.g., the lack of determinism and of predictability in services over multi-domain communication networks. The audience of around 50 people provided some interesting comments on the proposed approaches.

PREDICT-6G also had a strong presence in the 6GARCH: the 3rd workshop on 6G Architecture with the presentation of two papers. The workshop was divided into three parts in order to lay the groundwork and set the highest possible quality level for the topics to be discussed during the four days of the conference.

David Rico Menéndez from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid presented the paper “6G Architecture for Enabling Predictable, Reliable and Deterministic Networks: the PREDICT-6G Case” at the first part of the workshop called 6GARCH1: 6G Architecture Roadmap. The paper is available here and the presentation made during the workshop here.

Sebastian Robitzsch from InterDigital presented the paper "Formation and Assertion of Data Unit Groups in 3GPP Networks with TSN and PDU Set Support" at the third part of the workshop called 6GARCH3: Wireless and TSN. The paper is available here.

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PREDICT-6G contributes to 6G standardisation

PREDICT-6G was one of the SNS projects invited to present its standardisation efforts during the IAFA#4.2 Interim Steps: 6G Standardisation Requirements that took place on the 9 of April 2024. 

Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M) explained how PREDICT-6G addresses standards-related issues internally and how it manages the cooperation with various SDOs.  Carlos also  provided insights on the PREDICT-6G achievements in the field thus far. 

This was the second of a three-event series on pre-standardisation organised by SNS OPS in collaboration with ETSI and It focused on the emerging 6G standardisation requirements and how ongoing research projects can contribute to the creation of standards.

The presentation is available here.

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PREDICT-6G presents at the Architecture WG

Continuing PREDICT-6G’s ambition to contribute to the different SNS-related Working Groups, José Luis Cárcel, R&D Engineer at the Smart Networks & Services unit of Eviden and member of the project, delivered a presentation in the last meeting of the Architecture WG, held on the 1 of March 2024.

The presentation provided an overview of PREDICT-6G System Architecture, describing the set of technologies and services integrated across the two main architectural planes - the Multi-Domain multi-technology data plane (MDP) and the and AI-driven inter-domain control plane (AICP) - to achieve determinism. 

The Working Groups offer a space to present the progress achieved whilst opening rich discussions amongst experts. These insights and feedback are extremely valuable to validate the developments of PREDICT-6G and help to define the next steps.

You can read the presentation here.

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6G SNS ICE Podcast: The role of evolving 5G and emerging 6G networks in Industry 4.0 era

Following the publication of the 5G-PPP Technology Board whitepaper on Innovation Trends in I4.0 enabled by 5G and Beyond Networks, the 6G SNS ICE project interviewed Manuel Lorenzo, Head of Technology & Innovation at Ericsson Spain, one of the PREDICT-6G partners, and editor and coordinator of this 5G-PPP whitepaper, for the latest episode of its podcast. 

In a 20-minute conversation with Professor Ioannis Tomkos, Manuel Lorenzo covers many of the highlights and insights from their research on the convergence of 5G and I4.0, along with our best estimates for what the future still holds for us in this context. This 5G-PPP whitepaper captures the collective experience and analysis of a broad range of 5G-PPP projects addressing I4.0 challenges  and scenarios, complemented with new views and perspectives from the SNS JU PREDICT-6G project.

The podcast is available on Spotify, don't miss it!

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PREDICT-6G will be at the ICC 2024

In 2024, the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) will take place on the 9 -13 of June in Denver, United States. PREDICT-6G will attend for the second consecutive year to the conference, which topic in 2024 is “Scaling the Peaks of Global Communications”. 

Professor Carla F. Chiasserini (POLITO, CNR-IEITT and CNIT) will present the paper “Generosity Pays Off: A Game-Theoretic Study of Cooperation in Decentralized Learning” as part of the Edge Learning over 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond (EDGE5GMN) Workshop. In this paper, Prof. Chiasserini and her co-authors propose GENIAL, a game-theoretic approach to promote cooperation among user nodes for training or fine-tuning ML models.

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PREDICT-6G will be at the WCNC 2024

The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) will take place on the 21-24 of April 2024 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. PREDICT-6G will attend the conference, which theme in 2024 is “Wireless Communications for Growing Opportunities”. Its contributions will mostly focus on 6G architecture. 

Dr. Sebastian Robitzsch (InterDigital) will present his paper “Formation and Assertion of Data Unit Groups in 3GPP Networks with TSN and PDU Set Support” in 6GARCH: the 3rd Workshop on 6G Architecture. Moreover, PostDoc David Rico Menendez (UC3M) will present the paper “6G Architecture for Enabling Predictable, Reliable and Deterministic Networks: the PREDICT6G Case” in the workshop 6GArch1: 6G Architecture roadmap.

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PREDICT-6G on Standards Requirements

PREDICT-6G is one of the projects invited to participate in the IAFA#4.2 Interim Steps: 6G Standardisation Requirements that will take place on the 9 of April 2024. This is the second of a three-event series on pre-standardisation organised by SNS OPS, as part of its Impact Assessment and Facilitation Actions (IAFAs) initiative, in collaboration with ETSI and 

Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M) will speak about the efforts of PREDICT-6G in standardisation, including how the project is internally organised to address standards-related issues and how it manages the cooperation with various SDOs. Carlos will also provide insights on PREDICT-6G achievements in the field thus far. 

This second event delves into emerging 6G standardisation requirements and work items in the attempt to harmonise efforts between R&D projects and SDOs, with specific input on European SDOs. Emphasising the importance of collaborative efforts in research and development for 6G, this workshop aims to foster discussions on how ongoing research projects can contribute to the creation of standards.

You can register for the event here

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