PREDICT-6G at VTC2024-Fall
The 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall) was held 7-10 October 2024 in Washington DC, USA. The semi-annual flagship conference brings together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology.
IEEE VTC2024-Fall featured world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, technical and application sessions, and an innovative Industry Track with panels and presentations from industry leaders sharing their perspectives on the latest technologies. PREDICT-6G was part of the high-level programme with two papers presented in the Technical Papers section.
The first paper, entitled 'Slice-aware Resource Allocation and Admission Control for Smart Factory Wireless Networks', was written by Regina Ochonu and Josep Vidal, researchers at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - a partner of the consortium. This paper presents a novel solution for slice-aware radio resource allocation based on a convex optimisation and control framework for applications in smart factory wireless networks. The proposed framework dynamically allocates minimum power and sub-channels to downlink mixed service type industrial users categorised into three slices: Capacity Limited (CL), Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC), and Time Sensitive (TS) slices. Read it here.
The second paper, titled 'Reinforcement Learning-based UL/DL Splitter for Latency Reduction in Wireless TSN Networks' was authored by Margarita Cabrera-Bean, Wenli Pan and Josep Vidal, also researchers at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. In this paper researchers present and compare a set of approaches to scheduling time slots within a wireless frame for communication between the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) in a TSN network. The primary objective is to reduce latency in wireless transmissions, particularly in scenarios with stringent timing requirements. By optimizing the allocation of time slots between UL and DL, our proposed scheduling algorithm aims to minimize queueing delays while ensuring efficient utilization of network resources. The results highlight the significant reduction achieved in terms of queueing latency and packet loss through our scheduling strategy, thereby enhancing the reliability and timeliness of wireless links in TSN networks. Read it here.
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PREDICT-6G continues to help shape 6G standardisation
By Sebastian Robitzsch (InterDigital Europe Ltd), with the collaboration of Rafael Rosales (INTEL), Petro Giardina (Nextworks), and Luis M. Contreras (Telefónica).
One of the key exploitation routes in PREDICT-6G is the impact of relevant Standardisation Development Organisations (SDOs) on the topic of deterministic networking. For that purpose, the project conducted a thorough assessment of the architectural proposition [1] as well as their Multi-Domain Data Plane (MDP) [2] and AI-Driven Control Plane (AICP) [3]. The outcome of this assessment resulted in a scientific paper which was accepted for presentation at the GLOBECOM 2024 Workshop on 6G Architecture (6G Arch) that will take place in December 2024 in South Africa. The paper provides a holistic drawing of PREDICT-6G system proposition with the considered domains DetNet-Enabled 3GPP, TSN-Enabled 3GPP, Wi-Fi and TSN. The assessment of which SDO covers which system components is then overlayed in the figure and colour coding is used to depict the assessment; the figure below provides this assessment.
As one can observe, all key SDOs in the telecommunication space show up, i.e. 3GPP, IETF, IEEE and ETSI. Below, a selected set of SDO working groups (WGs) provide more insights on the standardisation activities of PREDICT-6G partners and the technology developed within the project.
Telefónica (TID) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) have been contributing to the IETF Path Computation Element (PCE) WG with the objective of extend the PCE so that can consider metrics defined statistically. With the current state of the art, the PCE is able of determining paths according to constraints expressed in the form of metrics. The value of the metric can be signalled as a bound or maximum, meaning that path metric must be less than or equal such value. While this can be sufficient for certain services, some others, such as deterministic services, can require the utilisation of Precision Availability Metrics (PAM). The PREDICT-6G contribution aims to define a new PCE object, namely the PRECISION METRIC object, to be used for path calculation or selection for deterministic networking services with performance requirements expressed as Service Level Objectives (SLO) using PAM.
IEEE 802.11
To improve determinism in Wi-Fi communications, Intel has proposed ideas to the 802.11 UHR Working Group (Wi-Fi 8) at the IEEE 802.11-23/0936r0 meeting in July 2023. The ideas are related to a medium efficient scheduled channel access in next generation 802.11. The proposed ideas could help to improve triggered and scheduled channel access for better medium utilization with: a) re-structure transmission opportunity to efficiently schedule bursty traffic together with others. b) upfront resource allocation/assignment, and c) reduction of OTA signalling overhead by reusing repeating information.
During 2023/2024, Nextworks proposed and discussed some extensions to the ETSI MEC GS 037 related to the support of container-based applications, in several ETSI MEC ISG meetings. These extensions aim at enabling the support of a variety of industrial container-based applications, which can be orchestrated at the edge of the network, empowering the reliability while reducing the latency, in line with the industry requirements for wireless networks. Furthermore, the software containerization allows the orchestration of the applications faster than the correspondent in virtual machines, significantly reducing the relocation time and service downtime. The proposed extensions have been accepted.
The latest ETSI ISG on Integration Sensing and Communications (ISAC) received a use case by InterDigital on Digital Twinning-based collaborative robots, with stringent communications requirements to exchange sensing data between terminals and the network in a deterministic fashion. This use case has now been adopted and forms the basis for challenges and proposed solutions in the system space of 6G mobile systems.
[1] - D1.2 PREDICT-6G framework architecture and initial specification, available at:
[2] - D2.2 Implementation of selected release 1 PREDICT-6G MDP innovations, available at:
[3] - D3.2 Implementation of selected release 1 AI-driven inter-domain network control, management and orchestration innovations, available at:
PREDICT-6G – Advancing Network Determinism and Time-Sensitive Communication
The PREDICT-6G project has made remarkable progress in advancing its mission to develop deterministic, predictable and time-sensitive network systems, positioning ourselves at the forefront of the research and technology development that will shape the future of wireless and fixed networks.
Achievements of the Past Year
Over the past year, PREDICT-6G has evolved from fundamental research to actionable technological innovation, as we moved from 6G use case analysis and system architecture definition to the actual development of the data plane and control plane technology.
These are some of the key accomplishments during this period:
- Use Case Analysis and Architecture Development
In the past months, we focused on the in-depth analysis of potential 6G use cases covering areas that require extreme reliability, such as industrial automation and critical communications. These provided essential information on network determinism requirements for a novel architecture capable of supporting 6G’s time-sensitive services. Security implications were carefully considered, recognising that 6G networks will be heavily integrated into critical infrastructure. We also laid the groundwork for business analyses that would ensure the economic feasibility and sustainability of the developed solutions.
- Advancements in Data Plane Technology - The MDP
A core focus of our work has been the enhacement of existing network technologies, specifically 3GPP and IEEE 802.11, to meet the demands of time-sensitive communication. To reduce network jitter - a crucial requirement for many real-time applications - we developed new mechanisms at the Radio Access Network (RAN) level, for 3GPP and IEEE 802.11. In addition, we have designed and implemented bridging systems to connect IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and 3GPP networks. This interconnection is essential to provide seamless end-to-end support for time-sensitive services, especially in mixed technology environments that integrate wireless and wired communication systems.
Our most significant accomplishment in the Data Plane area has been the integration of various networking technologies into a unified Deterministic Networking (DetNet) based data plane. To achieve this, we developed multiple encapsulation mechanisms that allow different network standards to operate cohesively. This integration guarantees the transmission of deterministic data flows with strict latency and reliability, key features for applications requiring real-time responses. Open APIs were defined to facilitate interaction between the Data Plane and the Control Plane, enabling a more efficient and dynamic network management.
- Control Plane and Management Functions - The AICP
The Control Plane, which orchestrates and manages the highly diverse technologies of the Data Plane, has been another critical area of development. Our efforts over the past year involved creating new abstractions that allow the different technologies comprising our Data Plane - 3GPP, IEEE 802.11, and IEEE 802.1 TSN - to interoperate seemessly. Moreover, the necessary management functions identified are now being translated into the implementation of essential services and corresponding APIs.
These management functions and abstractions enable greater flexibility and scalability in controlling time-sensitive services across heterogeneous networks, ensuring that the necessary quality of service (QoS) parameters are met.
Looking ahead - Demonstrating the technologies in the real-world
As we approach the final stage of the project, PREDICT-6G is focused on the implementation, demonstration and refinement of the technologies developed in real-world environments in collaboration with leading European research labs in Spain and Hungary.
In the 5TONIC lab, located in Madrid, we are working towards a fully integrated Data Plane demonstration that includes the IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.1 TSN, and 3GPP domains. This demonstration will show the real-world capabilities of our technologies, focusing on a specific use case: gesture-based remote control of a robot. This application is particularly demanding in terms of latency and reliability, making it an ideal candidate to test the performance of our deterministic network solutions. The successful implementation of this use case will demonstrate how 6G networks can facilitate advanced human-machine interaction in highly time-sensitive environments.
At the Budapest Nokia Lab, we are working on a complementary demonstration focused on critical services enabled by digital twins. This demonstration will show how deterministic networks can support highly sensitive and mission-critical applications, such as industrial automation and remote operation, by ensuring that the digital twin remains perfectly synchronised with its physical counterpart.
We anticipate that these demonstrations will validate the unique capabilities of the PREDICT-6G technologies, providing evidence of their applicability to future 6G networks. By the end of this project, we expect to have made significant advances that will shape the future of 6G, not only in terms of technology, but also in supporting critical real-time applications across multiple sectors.
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PREDICT-6G is in its final year and the consortium partners are showcasing progress on the project, presenting the latest publications and papers at various events taking place in the coming months. Here is a list so you don't miss any of the events taking place between October and December 2024.
From 15-16 October the PREDICT-6G consortium, with representation from all partners, will meet in Budapest, Hungary, for its second plenary meeting of 2024. Hosted by Nokia, it will be a key meeting to analyse what has been achieved so far, but above all to trace the roadmap for the final months of the project, defining the next demos and assessing the work that remains to be done on the use cases to put all the technological advances into practice.
The “6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series: Wireless-friendly TSN scheduling”
The “6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series'' is a collaborative initiative between PREDICT-6G, DESIRE6G, and DETERMINISTIC6G launched on the 14 of June 2024. This quarterly series aims to explore the intricate and transformative aspects of these sister projects, featuring expert speakers who will discuss the latest developments and innovations shaping the future of 6G technology. Each session provides in-depth information and fosters key discussions for practitioners and researchers dedicated to the next generation of wireless communications.
The second webinar titled “Wireless-friendly TSN scheduling” will take place on the 22 October 2024 at 14:00 - 17:00. The agenda is coming very soon! In the meantime, he first webinar, titled "Architectural Enhancements for 6G Programmable and Deterministic Networks" is available here.
The new edition of the 5G Technology Forum “Technology Shaping Tomorrow’s Territory” will take place on the 30-31 of October 2024 in Riga, Latvia. Over two days, more than 600 players in 5G will meet to develop a robust and aligned 5G Ecosystem in Europe and beyond.
Facilitated by the SNS JU ambassador project SNS ICE, PREDICT-6G’s live demonstration: 'Real time gesture based remote control of a digital twin', recorded during EuCNC 2024, will be part of a video medley alongside other SNS projects. The session, entitled ‘Interactive Showcase: SNS ICE showroom’, will focus on promoting the goals and highlights of the work performed within the SNS JU. The full demo ‘Real Time Gesture Based Remote Control Of A Digital Twin’ by UC3M and 5TONIC is available here.
The Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2024) will be held on the 18-22 of November in Washington DC, USA. In this scope, DESIRE6G, DETERMINISTIC6G and PREDICT-6G will co-organise the 2nd workshop on "6G Programmable Deterministic Networking with AI" (6G-PDN 2), which will take place on the 18th November. More information on this event can be found here.
IEEE Globecom 2024
The 2024 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) will be held from 8-12 December 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. It is one of the IEEE Communications Society’s two flagship conferences dedicated to driving innovation in nearly every aspect of communications. Under the theme ‘Connecting the Smart World Across Africa’, the 2024 edition will feature a comprehensive and high-quality technical programme including 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops. PREDICT-6G will feature the presentation of the paper ‘Standardisation Assessment of a Digital Twin-Based Multi-Domain Deterministic Communications System’ within the session 6GArch: 4th Workshop on 6G Architecture. The paper is a joint collaboration of several partners of the PREDICT-6G consortium: InterDigital, Carlos III University of Madrid, Politecnico di Torino, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Nextworks, Telefónica, Nokia and Intel; led by Sebastian Robitzsch, PREDICT-6G standardisation coordinator. You can read the paper here.
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PREDICT-6G’s PhDs: at the crossroads of industry and academia
In the rapidly changing world of technology, cooperation between academia and industry drives innovation and creates tangible societal benefits. The European Commission’s 'New Codes of Practice for industry-academia co-creation and citizen engagement for knowledge valorisation' encourages collaboration between research institutions and businesses. The guidelines promote knowledge valorisation, knowledge transfer and co-creation, fostering an environment where innovative solutions can flourish. PhD students, at the intersection of deep academic knowledge and practical industry needs, play a pivotal role in bridging the gap.
PREDICT-6G nurtures a thriving research-industry collaboration, especially through the involvement of young researchers. As interviews with some of the PhD students involved in the project show, the experience can be transformative for them, offering them the opportunity to shape the future of technology participating in cutting-edge projects while at the same time perfecting their research skills.
Academia-Industry Collaboration: A Pathway for PhD Growth
For PhD students, participating in research projects involving academic and industrial partners brings unique benefits. As Alejandro Calvillo from UC3M, a PhD student in Service Management and Orchestration, notes, joint research offers "insights into the current situation of innovation in the industrial field" while helping researchers "focus ideas on real ground." This real-world application of their work sharpens research goals and enhances students' ability to think practically, solving challenges relevant to the industry.
David Rico, whose PhD focuses on time-sensitive networking (UC3M), echoes this sentiment, emphasising how PhD students bring "new and fresh energy" to projects, contributing innovative ideas while learning from industry veterans. For Rico, collaboration requires excellent communication skills, given the need to manage numerous relationships and timelines. He underlines that constant updates and communication between academic and industrial partners ensure that projects run smoothly and stay on track.
Beyond the technical and interpersonal skills gained, industry collaborations allow PhD students to see their research come to life in real-world scenarios. This is a crucial motivator for Marta Blanco, an industrial PhD candidate in Telematics (Telefónica), whose thesis on deterministic network solutions aligns with PREDICT-6G aim to develop a predictable and reliable 6G network. For Marta, working closely with industry provides valuable insights into the practical challenges that current research must address, shaping both her academic journey and the future of communications technology.
PhD Involvement in PREDICT-6G: A Case Study
The PREDICT-6G project is a prime example of how academia-industry partnerships can lead to technological breakthroughs, particularly in a fast-evolving field like 6G. PhD students, such as those involved in PREDICT-6G, play an essential role in driving research forward. Their work, guided by academic mentors and informed by industry needs, helps advance the project objectives while contributing directly to their doctoral research.
Alejandro Calvillo's involvement in Work Package 3 (WP3), which merges AI concepts with the control plane, is closely related to his thesis on management orchestration. He describes his work in PREDICT-6G as an essential component of his research, allowing him to test orchestration strategies that will shape future network management. Similarly, PREDICT-6G has enabled David Rico, who contributes to Work Package 2 (WP2), to explore real-life applications of time-sensitive networks, ensuring his research is based on practical results.
Marta Blanco, whose thesis aligns directly with PREDICT-6 G's goal of developing deterministic networks, values the project for providing her with in-depth knowledge of deterministic solutions. She is gaining experience not only through academic research but also by seeing how these solutions can be applied in industrial settings. She believes this practical experience will be an important asset as she moves forward in her career, opening up new avenues for research and collaboration.
All three PhD students - Alejandro, David and Marta - agree that participation in Horizon Europe projects such as PREDICT-6G will have a lasting impact on their academic and professional careers. They also stress the importance of encouraging more participation of PhD and postdocs in R&D projects, as young researchers bring new perspectives that can help achieve breakthroughs in 6G communication networks and other emerging fields.
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Join PREDICT-6G at MobiCom 2024
The Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2024) will be held on the 18-22 of November in Washington DC, USA. In this scope, DESIRE6G, DETERMINISTIC6G and PREDICT-6G will co-organise the 2nd workshop on "6G Programmable Deterministic Networking with AI" (6G-PDN 2), which will take place on the 18th November.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the roadmap and challenges in the technology areas of deterministic communications and deep network programmability in 6G to support future end-to-end time-critical applications. It also aims to bring together academic and industry researchers to stimulate discussions, introduce news ideas and technical solutions in the aforementioned areas and therefore contribute to the progress of 6G networking research.
The programme features Amir Gomroki, Head of 5G for North America and 5G-ACIA Ambassador for Ericsson Research, and Ashutosh Dutta, Senior Scientist, 5G Chief Strategist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and Director of the Doctor of Engineering Program at Johns Hopkins University, as keynote speakers.
Following an open call for papers, the selected authors will discuss in-depth various aspects of deterministic networks:
- Experimental Evaluation of a Multi-Domain TSN Scenario in Industry 4.0, first author: David Rico-Menéndez (University Carlos III Madrid).
- Routing-Aware Shaping for Feasible Multi-Domain Determinism, first: Andrea Francini (Nokia Bell Labs).
- Environmental-aware Reinforcement Learning-based Scheduler for Trustworthy 6G in the Factory Floor, first author: Fjolla Ademaj-Berisha (Silicon Austria Labs GmbH).
- Lightweight INT on the Tofino programmable switch, first author: Angelos Dimoglis (University of Amsterdam).
- An Architectural Framework for 6G Network Digital Twin, first author: Zhiheng Yang (University of Amsterdam).
- Artificial Intelligence Control Plane for Deterministic Networks Proof-of-Concept, first author: Alejandro Calvillo-Fernandez (University Carlos III Madrid).
Read the workshop programme here. Register and join us!
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The 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 2024 took place from 10 to 13 September 2024 in Padova, Italy. This conference brings together professionals from industry and academia to share cutting-edge concepts, recent developments, research results, and practical achievements in industrial and factory automation. The key goal is to foster the enhancement and application of scientific techniques, models, and tools that support the efficient design and operation of industrial and factory automation systems. Several PREDICT-6G partners were there to present work related to the project.
Pietro Giuseppe Giardina from Nextworks was invited to talk in the Industry Forum of the conference. In the talk, titled 'Bringing determinism in private mobile networks for Industry 5.0 scenarios: opportunities and challenges', he explained the benefits of adopting 5G/6G technologies in the industry and how the research can foster such an adoption with two example projects: PREDICT-6G and Zero-SWARM.

In the Technical Track “TSN in Industrial Systems”, Claudio Zunino, principal investigator of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), presented the paper ‘Time-Sensitive Networking and Software-Defined Networking: an experimental setup for realistic performances’. Written by the CNR, Intel, the University of Padova (all members of the PREDICT-6G consortium), and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, this paper investigates the integration between Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) to enable dynamic network re-configuration and improve performance for time-critical applications. The paper can be read and downloaded here.

During the “Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems” session, Prof. Zunino presented the paper ‘IEEE 1588 (PTP) over mmWave 5G NR: preliminary assessment of the synchronization accuracy for TSN applications’ produced by PREDICT-6G partners CNR and the University of Padova, as well as by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The paper discusses the extension of TSN to wireless domains for realising the Industry 4.0 and 5.0 applications. It focuses on the assessment of the synchronization accuracy of IEEE 1588 (PTP) over 5G NR networks.
Lastly, INTEL, CNR and the University of Padova presented the ‘Time-Sensitive Networking for Trajectory Tracking of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle over Wi-Fi’ paper in the Special Session - Exploring the limits of Time Sensitive Networking. Utilising the IEEE 802.1AS standard for wireless time synchronization, this study investigates the impact of clock synchronization errors and latency on trajectory tracking in a wireless network scenario involving an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). It demonstrates the capability and benefits of IEEE 802.1AS in managing device clocks and facilitating time correction to ensure precise trajectory tracking despite synchronization errors and latency.
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IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2024
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) took place on the 2-5 September 2024 in Valencia, Spain. Under the theme “Elevating 6G Beyond Connectivity”, PIMRC is one the flagship conferences for IEEE Communications Society with a special focus on cutting-edge wireless technology research and innovations. PREDICT-6G was represented by two consortium partners.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya attended PIMRC to present the paper 'Novel Radio Frame Design for Efficient Integration of Wireless Links into Time-Sensitive Networks' as part of the Workshop on Industrial Wireless Network. This paper presents a novel radio frame design for wireless links that enables the efficient scheduling of multiple time-sensitive flows with arbitrarily small packet jitter and delay requirements. The benefits of the approach described in the paper are numerically evaluated in an illustrative industrial scenario that shows a substantial gain in terms of both reduced control cycle (periodicity of flows) and improved transmission performance (number of supported flows).
The paper was presented during the conference by the student Youssef El Kaisi Rahmoun. It can be read and downloaded here.
Politecnico di Torino also attended PIMRC to present the paper ‘Target Wake Time Scheduling for Time-Sensitive Networking in the Industrial IoT’. In this paper, POLITO “demonstrate that Target Wake Time-Acceptance and Scheduling Problem-Efficient Resolver (TASPER) schedules traffic with up to 21.23% higher priority-weighted admission ratio and saves up to 7.42% energy compared to the ShortestFirst strategy, all while satisfying AoI constraints for 99.5% of transmissions”. It can be read and downloaded here.
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The International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2024 was held from 14 to 18 July 2024 in Bari, Italy. It focused on applications of transparent and all-optical technologies to telecommunications, computing, sensing and quantum applications. Various PREDICT-6G partners attended the event.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya organised the 6G Network Operation (6GNeO) workshop as part of ICTON, with a special session on Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Deterministic Networking (DetNet). In this session, Telefónica Innovación Digital presented the paper ‘Reliability in deterministic networks: Comparison of FRER (TSN) and PREOF (DetNet)’, which was developed in the framework of PREDICT-6G.
“Telefónica showcased various techniques aimed at enhancing network reliability through the use of TSN and DetNet”, explains Marta Blanco Caamaño, first author of the paper and the person in charge of presenting the work at the 6GNeO workshop. The paper can be read and downloaded here.
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The IEEE 25th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) was held 22-24 July 2024 in Pisa, Italy. The main focus of the HPSR 2024 was to assess how breakthrough changes occurring to networks and telecom are affecting areas related to switching and routing, and communication networks in general.
PREDICT-6G was represented by our consortium member Nextworks, which had a booth showcasing a poster and the screening of the demo jointly developed with InterDigital: “Monitoring Data collection Integration with a Sensing-Enabled 3GPP Technology Domain”. The demo presents a multi-domain monitoring data collection for the PREDICT-6G project. It automates the collection of Layer 4 latency and sensing data from a 3GPP domain, feeding it into an AI-driven control plane and a digital twin application. The demo integrates the AI-Driven Control Plane (AICP) to manage service provisioning and data monitoring. You can watch it here.
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