PREDICT-6G contributions to Reliable Available Wireless (RAW)

The PREDICT-6G objective of developing a determinist network architecture demands a continuous cross-fertilisation between its main elements, namely predictability, reliability and time-sensitiveness, related standards.

The IETF has recently published Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M) contribution analysing different use cases where solutions for wireless determinism are needed. The document (RFC), part of the Reliable Available Wireless (RAW) Working Group, is available here

Related to the activities carried out in the IETF (RAW and DetNet WGs), Carlos J. Bernardos was also invited to give a tutorial of the IETF activities in these areas in the IEEE 802 plenary that took place in July 2023 in Berlin, Germany. 

The tutorial provided an overview on RAW. It particularly outlined the use cases and technologies considered by RAW and the RAW framework architecture, including Operation, Administration and Management (OAM) mechanisms. 

The presentation can be found here.

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The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) founded in 1986, is the premiere standards development organization (SDO) for the Internet. The IETF makes voluntary standards that are often adopted by Internet users, network operators, and equipment vendors, and it thus helps shape the trajectory of the development of the Internet.

Deliverable 5.2 - Communication, Dissemination, Standardisation and Exploitation Strategy Plan, now available

The PREDICT-6G deliverable 5.2 - Communication, Dissemination, Standardisation and Exploitation Strategy Plan, is now available in Zenodo for public reading.

Communication, Dissemination, Standardisation and Exploitation are key aspects of PREDICT-6G objectives. The deliverable provides a detailed overview of PREDICT-6G’s strategy to achieve all planned outcomes, defining the goals, priorities and implementation mechanisms. To this end, the PREDICT-6G Strategy Plan sets out the objectives, tools, materials, and channels to be exploited in order to effectively spread the project’s activities, achievements and tangible results to targeted audiences, also encompassing the strategy for contributing to the standardisation and the successful market uptake of PREDICT-6G solutions.

As part of PREDICT-6G’s commitment to open science, the project uses the Zenodo repository to contain and make publicly available all the information and data related to its development.

You can read and download the Deliverable 5.2 - Communication, Dissemination, Standardisation and Exploitation Strategy Plan for free here.

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Deliverable 1.1 - Analysis of use cases and system requirements, now available

The PREDICT-6G deliverable 1.1 -Analysis of use cases and system requirements, is now available in Zenodo for public reading. 

This document describes and analyses the use cases that will demonstrate and validate the technologies to be tested in the PREDICT-6G project, and establish the system requirements necessary to achieve the project's goals. 

Each use case is reported, outlining the targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and analysing the technical components and systems, based on a common definition of the KPIs that will be used to analyse and evaluate the technologies used in the project and a standard methodology to compare the selected uses case. Taking this into account, a traffic characterisation and the system requirements for the project are also defined in this document, as well as, an initial explanation of the architectural and security requirements.

As part of PREDICT-6G’s commitment to open science, the project uses the Zenodo repository to contain and make publicly available all the information and data related to its development.

You can read and download the Deliverable 1.1 – Analysis of use cases and system requirements for free here.

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The International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2023, took place from 2 to 6 July at the Central Library of University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania. The theme of this year’s Conference was focused on the applications of transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunications, computing and novel applications. 

Conference topics included, among others, digital all-optical networks, next generation networking,  network reliability and availability, wireless and optical networking, and 5G to 6G communications. All subjects discussed during the Conference are of great interest for the development of PREDICT-6G, which participated in ICTON 2023 with three sessions that have subsequently resulted in the publication of conference papers. 

On July 3, Dr. Luis Velasco and Marc Ruiz, members of the PREDICT-6G consortium on behalf  of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), chaired the “8th Workshop on Beyond-5G Network Operation (B5GNeO)”. During the workshop, Jaume Comellas and Davide Careglio, also members of the UPC, presented two papers.


Jaume Comellas presented the paper “PILOT: A methodology for modeling the performance of packet connections”. This paper presents the PILOT methodology for modeling the performance of packet connections during commissioning testing in terms of throughput, delay and jitter. PILOT runs in a sandbox domain and constructs a scenario where an efficient traffic flow simulation environment, based on the CURSA-SQ model, is used to generate large amounts of data for Machine Learning model training and validation. The simulation scenario is tuned using real measurements of the connection obtained from a set of active probes.  You can read the full paper here.

Davide Careglio presented the paper “Disaggregated delay modeling in multidomain networks”. In this paper, the team proposes a collaborative environment, where each domain models intra-domain delay components of inter-domain paths and shares those models with a broker system providing the E2E connectivity services. The broker, in turn, models the delay of inter-domain links based on E2E monitoring and the received intra-domain models. You can read the full paper here.

The following day, July 4, also as part of the B5GNeO workshop invited presentations, Marc Ruiz from the UPC presented the paper “CURSA-SQ models for time-sensitive networking”. This paper focuses on analysing the impact of conveying time-sensitive traffic in operators’ networks when such traffic is mixed with best-effort traffic. In particular, extensions to a continuous G/G/1/k queue model are proposed to evaluate two different Ethernet technologies, synchronous and asynchronous, supporting time-sensitive flows in terms of their influence on the performance of best-effort traffic. You can read the full paper here.

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ICTON is organised by The National Institute of Telecommunications, former Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies in Warsaw, together with the University Politehnica Bucharest and the IEEE Photonics Society Poland Chapter.

PREDICT-6G at the IEEE 802 Plenary Tutorial

On the 10th of July 2023, Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M) and János Farkas (ERICSSON) will participate in the IEEE 802 Plenary Tutorial in Berlin, Germany, with a session about IETF Reliable Available Wireless (RAW).

The tutorial provides an overview on RAW. It particularly outlines the use cases and technologies considered by RAW and the RAW framework architecture, including Operation, Administration and Management (OAM) mechanisms.

You can follow the event online here.

The work of Carlos J. Bernardos in this tutorial has been partially supported by the Horizon Europe PREDICT-6G (Grant 101095890) project.

We very much welcome your participation!

The IETF Deterministic (DetNet) Working Group aims to standardise technologies to provide deterministic Layer 3 communications for various use cases, including professional audio and video, electrical utilities or wireless, whereas the RAW Working Group was established to extend the DetNet architecture and solutions to wireless networks.

A look back at the first six months of PREDICT-6G

By Péter Szilágyi, PREDICT-6G Technical Manager

It’s been six months since PREDICT-6G kicked off, and the wheels – prepared carefully during the planning – were set in motion. Within that time, we have built a well functioning team, gained remarkable momentum, and started to fill our pipeline of technology and innovation. This article reflects on the key achievements so far, the status of the project, and the next steps – from a technical perspective.

What we have achieved

The first period of the project focused on setting the landscape, collecting and structuring ideas, discussing and documenting our approach to multi-domain deterministic networks and services, and roadmapping the underlying technical work. We have established solid understanding of the use cases (such as smart manufacturing and industrial critical communication) requiring deterministic services across multiple domains. For each use case, we studied the end-to-end communication requirements, the capabilities of the devices, the types and roles of the actors and their anticipated demand and traffic mix. The findings were consolidated and generalized to produce system level and service level KPIs and requirements, serving as design principles and capabilities towards the PREDICT-6G system. Based on the requirements, we have already created the first architecture blueprint of the project, including both the multi-technology multi-domain data plane and the AI-driven inter-domain control plane, as well as the means of their interworking. On the groundwork side, we have established a roadmap for the two Open Labs where the PREDICT-6G technology and innovations will be implemented and demonstrated through the selected use cases. Finally, we have created two important pieces of deliverables: our Data Management Plan (DMP), which defines the standards for preparing, publishing and maintaining open access to all types of data, including documentation, measurements and source code to be produced by PREDICT-6G; and our first version of the communication, dissemination, standardization and exploitation strategy plan.

Where we are now

We are in a busy schedule paved with deliverables on all of our research directions. We are just releasing D1.1, our first technical report summarizing the use cases, requirements and initial architecture of the PREDICT-6G. I recommend reading this document for those who would like to get familiar with the project’s technical line of thought and innovation areas, as these aspects already started to manifest in this work. In parallel to finishing D1.1 under WP1, we are cooperating very closely between two of our other technical work packages: WP2, which is defining the deterministic technologies for data planes and cross-domain data plane integration; and WP3, which is defining the automation framework on the control and management plane to self-orchestrate and autonomously assure end-to-end deterministic services. These two WPs are expected to be the busiest ones in the next four months, as they work together to co-create two sets of dependent technologies. On the one hand, in WP2, to expose programmable data plane capabilities from within specific network technologies such as 3GPP, IETF DetNet/RAW, and Wi-Fi; and on the other hand, in WP3, to utilize those exposed capabilities to autonomously fulfil and assure the end-to-end services. Additionally, WP4 takes off in July, to start working on system integration aspects that would bring all PREDICT-6G technical components into the same autonomous framework.

Looking ahead

Summer will be hot for PREDICT-6G, and not only for the season. We will produce our next two deliverables, which are going to consolidate part of the effort we are currently putting into the cross-WP2-WP3 work. To be released at the end of August, D2.1 will descend deeper into the data plane technologies, whereas one month later, D3.1 will report the first results on the control and management plane technologies, already leveraging the capabilities of our data plane. These deliverables will maintain close coherence and context with each other and with D1.1, so that interested readers can easily navigate the breadths and depths of the PREDICT-6G technology. These two upcoming deliverables will also set up the forward path to their second versions, which are both due near the end of this year, going even deeper into their subjects. By that time, PREDICT-6G will have created and released substantial technical capital that will be a foundation for starting lab work in 2024. 


Nowadays are intense yet interesting times in PREDICT-6G. Our momentum accelerates, the frontier of the research broadens, and the number of ongoing activities increase. While this means that work is split up and task forces are focusing on specific areas of PREDICT-6G to maintain efficiency and productivity, we take special care to leverage cross-WP and cross-partner expertise as we drive along our micro-objectives. All in all, we have an excellent team working together on a research project with a great aim – and that is all that’s needed.

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PREDICT-6G at MedComNet 2023

The 21st Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference took place from the 13-15 of June 2023 in Ponza, Italy. Initiated in 2002, MedComNet is a forum for the presentation of new research results in the broad area of wired and wireless communication and computer networking. 

On the 14th of June, PREDICT-6G was represented in the session “Edge, fog and cloud computing”. Professor Carla Fabiana Chiasserini and her colleagues from Politecnico di Torino (POLITO, Italy) presented their paper ¨TCP Connection Management for Stateful Container Migration at the Network Edge”, which addresses service continuity while migrating microservices. You can read the paper here.

Prof. Chiasserini also chaired the special session “Networking for a better Quality of Life”, with several presentations about the utilization of networking to enhance the wellbeing of citizens in terms of safety, privacy and health. 

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MedComNet has obtained the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc), and accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.

Introducing DETERMINISTIC6G, a sister project of PREDICT-6G

One of the main intentions of PREDICT-6G is to quickly harness the multiplier capacity of initiatives advocating for 6G in Europe. Creating synergies with other projects funded by Horizon Europe under the same topic is a unique opportunity to build a real impactful European 6G landscape. Let’s discover one of them: DETERMINISTIC6G!

DETERMINISTIC6G aims at developing an end-to-end deterministic communication architecture enabling innovative 6G use cases.  The concept of deterministic communication being the property of guaranteeing communication latency and reliability is central to the project. Ensuring sufficient end-to-end communication reliability remains a challenge for cellular networks in an industrial context. 

A primary focus of the project will be on the interplay between future 6G networks with highly time-synchronized networks called Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). The challenge in these settings is that wireless systems like 6G can be subject to strong random variations, which is incompatible with technologies like TSN. DETERMINISTIC6G will tackle this problem by a combination of new wireless transmission design and advanced machine learning algorithms, leading to 6G wireless transmission with deterministic latency behavior. In addition to this, the project will also consider consequences and novel approaches for time synchronization, network security as well as the integration of computational nodes into the 6G systems.

Current developments in 5G integrate time-sensitive networking (TSN) and deterministic networking (DetNet) as deterministic communication mechanisms, however, they are not designed to support end-to-end (E2E) deterministic communication over heterogeneous infrastructures. Driven by pivotal 6G visionary use cases, the main concepts under-pinning the design of the DETERMINISTIC6G solution are:

  1. New architectures and protocols ensuring the efficient and secure integration of 6G systems into deterministic communication contexts.
  2. AI/ML based data-driven models for latency characterization in 6G wireless system
  3. leveraging novel digital twins of both 6G networks and cyber-physical systems to anticipate situational circumstances impacting determinism. 
  4. Devise security-by-design mechanism for deterministic communication including the integration of edge computing and the support of OPC UA. 

DETERMINISTIC6G builds on the wired deterministic communication standards to support end-to-end deterministic communication over heterogeneous networks. The expected outcomes of the project include:

  • 6G architecture and interfaces allowing dynamic interactions in integrated heterogeneous infrastructure.
  • Integration and interworking with deterministic standards over wired (TSN & DetNet) and wireless communication infrastructure.
  • Concepts of an open controllability framework for time-critical services operating dynamically over multiple heterogeneous domains including edge computing as well as wired and wireless domains.
  • An architecture for innovative 6G use cases based on security-by-design principles that provide capabilities to support deterministic wireless 6G transmission.
  • New data-driven ML methods for 6G system providing probabilistic latency guarantees at run-time.
  • E2E time awareness for supporting the deterministic operations.
  • Unified service provisioning through integration with an advanced industrial application framework (OPC UA FX) to provide service to several industry verticals.
  • Algorithms that leverage the information base of 6G digital twins and CPS digital twin in order to maintain E2E guarantees but also application-layer features such as safety.

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Call for Papers: MobiHoc 2023

In the scope of the MobiHoc 2023 -the 24th International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing-, which will be held in Washington DC, October 23-26, 2023, DESIRE6G and PREDICT-6G will co-organise the “6G-PDN (6G Programmable Deterministic Networking with AI)” workshop.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the roadmap and challenges in the technological areas of deterministic communications and deep network programmability in 6G, to support future end-to- end time-critical applications. It also aims to bring together academic and industry researchers to stimulate discussions, introduce news ideas and technical solutions in the aforementioned areas and therefore contribute to the progress of 6G networking research.

Submitted papers may cover any of the following topics:

  • Programmable data planes for TSN
  • Network softwarization for 6G
  • Programmable Networking Protocols
  • Programmable SDN and NFV: languages and architectures (P4 and others)
  • Hardware acceleration for programmable network functions
  • Multitenant data planes
  • Orchestration and Management of Software-Defined Deterministic Networks
  • Control and Management of Data plane programmable devices
  • Artificial intelligence for deterministic networks
  • In network Machine Learning
  • In-network service level tuning and optimization; QoS
  • High precision traffic monitoring/telemetry
  • Service assurance and fulfillment programmability
  • Slicing for 6G
  • Intent-based systems and Digital twinning applied in 6G.
  • Reliability, time sensitiveness and predictability in 3GPP and WiFi systems.

Paper Submission deadline is July 12, 2023

You can read all the detailed information here.

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How Networks Can Help Machine Learning to Becoming (Truly) Pervasive

By Prof. Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Prof. Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, member of the PREDICT-6G Consortium on behalf of Politecnico di Torino, Italy, highlights the challenges that the ubiquitous use of machine learning is posing and how the PREDICT-6G project is developing solutions to make it sustainable.

Machine Learning (ML) is all around: it is becoming an essential component of many user applications and network services. However, we all know that training and executing a ML model may exact a significant toll from the computational and network infrastructure due to its high resource demand. Consequently, current implementations of ML operations are heavy energy consumers, which makes the pervasiveness of ML we are witnessing not sustainable.

PREDICT-6G is committed to find breakthrough approaches to take and solve the challenge. Specifically, it has tackled the use of services for the optimal configuration of virtualized radio interfaces and of user applications at the network edge, for which ML can be the problem and the solution at the same time. 

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and edge computing are indeed disrupting the way mobile services can be offered through mobile network infrastructure. Third parties such as vertical industries and over-the-top players can now partner up with mobile operators to reach directly their customers and deliver a plethora of services with substantially reduced latency and bandwidth consumption. Video streaming, gaming, virtual reality, safety services for connected vehicles, and IoT are all services that can benefit from the combination of NFV and edge computing: when implemented through virtual machines or containers in servers co-located with base stations (or nearby), they can enjoy low latency and jitter, while storing and processing data locally. 

The combination of NFV, edge computing, and an efficient radio interface, e.g., O-RAN, is therefore a powerful means to offer mobile services with high quality of experience (QoE). However, user applications are not the only ones that can be virtualized: network services such as data radio transmission and reception are nowa- days virtualized and implemented through Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) as well; and both types of virtual services, user’s and network’s, may be highly computationally intensive. On the other hand, it is a fact that computational availability at the network edge is limited. It follows that in the edge ecosystem, user applications and network services compete for resources, hence designing automated and efficient resource orchestration mechanisms in the case of resource scarcity is critical. 

Further, looking more closely at the computational demand of virtualized user applications and at that of network service VNFs, one can notice that they certainly depend on the amount of data each service has to process, but they are also entangled. As an example, consider a user application at the edge and (de-)modulation and (de-)coding functions in a virtualized radio access network (vRAN). For downlink traffic, the application bitrate determines the amount of data to be processed by the vRAN; on the contrary, for uplink traffic, the data processed by the vRAN is the input to the application service. A negative correlation, however, may also exist: the more data compression is performed by a user application, the higher its computational demand, but the smaller the amount of data to be transmitted and the less the computing resources required by the vRAN. In a nutshell, a correlation exists between the amount of data processed/generated by virtual applications at the edge and network services VNFs, and such correlation can be positive or negative depending on the type of involved VNFs. Experimental tests performed within PREDICT-6G clearly show such correlation. 

Then, owing to the complex involved dynamics, PREDICT-6G has developped a scalable reinforcement learning-based framework for resource orchestration at the edge, which leverages a Pareto analysis for provable fair and efficient decisions. The developed framework, named VERA [1], meets the target values of latency and throughput for over 96% of the observation period and its scaling cost is 54% lower than a traditional, centralized framework based on deep-Q networks. 

[1] S. Tripathi, C. Puligheddu, S. Pramanik, A. Garcia-Saavedra and C. F. Chiasserini, "Fair and Scalable Orchestration of Network and Compute Resources for Virtual Edge Services," in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, doi: 10.1109/TMC.2023.3254999.

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